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DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. welcomes you to our publishing house. If you are a writer or desire a book to be published - we feature a number of options for your consideration.

If you are visiting to learn more about an author we represent and their book(s) - a warm thank you from our team and our authors.


If you are an author or business person who is publishing a book and need occasional assistance - we feature ala carte services.

We welcome you to our website, are here to assist in your publishing journey, provide a diverse shelf of books in multiple genres, and feature multiple solutions to your publishing and/or reading needs - including some cool merchandise.

Thank you for joining us today!

Want to publish

Aspiring Author

DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. features a variety of publishing goal assists. In our traditional platform, we represent authors who have submitted manuscripts answering varied calls for same to meet genre goals - while we do not accept every submission traditionally - we do love to see submission responses and learn more about writers. Our Indie publishing platform, provides representation via publishing packages, kits, or box solution composites for "fair and equitable rates", which are often less than the competition. We understand every aspiring author has different goals, business books build a platform or brand and these are altogether different than a writer answering a submissions call for titles such as children's fiction, romance, mystery, etc. The concept for publishing always results in reader inspiration and we do feature a solid post-publish bookshelf. Also, our services for developing titles are awesome and high-end. These do deserve fair compensation for the business author or communicator / writer not interested in traditional representation and take a more modern approach to their works with quality results that meet their needs. Whatever the reason - DonnaInk is here

Looking for a book

Discriminating Reader

DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. features author pages and lists title(s) by same on their page. Additionally, the bookstore is featured and carries an overarching "all titles" and our Imprints. And, author and their works feature merchandise for consideration, as does our company. We provide readers with multiple genres in nonfiction and fiction from over thirty authors who arrive at the written word from nine countries and five continents. Their books are eclectic for discriminating readers like yourself. If you are visiting for a "specific" author, please check the bookstore and/or the author pages. Do not forget you can use our search bar with the author's name and/or book title. Check out our coupons, a coupon page is in development at this time and will keep guest readers up to date on current savings. At DonnaInk Publications, we make strong attempts to remain discounted from distributors and fulfillment capacitators in thanks for readers thinking of their favored authors and our company - we appreciate readers like you.


If you cannot locate what you need do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or contact@donnainkpublications.


Book Development & Refinement

DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. provides a suite of services in support of aspiring authors and/or professional book developers. Whether book cover design, book tours, coaching, editorial, layout, formatting, interviews, marketing and promotions, query letters, plans, press releases, public relations, registrations, reviews, strategies, etc., our team meets, and works to exceed, your goals and/or requirements. Every book developer, author, business owner, or commercial guidebook representative arrives from unique levels of expertise and time. The DonnaInk ideal is to aid authors in producing quality books and to aid readers in gaining access to them - we are here to achieve both. No matter the need or requirement, no matter how large or small, being able to gain access to a subject matter expert (SME) to provide your readers or clients with a compelling message is often tantamount to success. You may not wish to sign a traditional agreement or submit to a manuscript call. You might not require an entire a to z of publishing production achieved in a kit, or box solution; instead, you may only require an editorial, whether proofreading or a line-by-line edit or a cover design, perhaps a press kit or a solid sell sheet . . . no matter your "need" - DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. is happy to provide a solution and the personalized service you deserve. Let's us know what you are seeking and learn how to best assist you in reaching the ultimate in your goal achievement.



DC: 1390 Chain Bridge Rd., #10029, McLean, VA 22101

NC: 601 McReynolds St., Carthage, NC 28327

MD: 17611 Aquasco Rd., Brandywine, MD 20613

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